Renting in France with Pets

Renting in France with Pets

Finding an apartment to rent long term or for vacations in France can be challenging and you might be wondering, what rules apply to you and your pet?Rental as your main residency: rules regarding pets According to French law, as a tenant (locataire), you are allowed...
The French are Still Kind

The French are Still Kind

This article has been written by Sandy Shroyer for Renestance as a guest blogger. You can find follow her adventures in her blog at you read about the kindness of French strangers a few weeks ago, you may recall our first trip to...
Renesting in France Webinars 2021 – Meet the Presenters!

Renesting in France Webinars 2021 – Meet the Presenters!

The annual Renesting in France Seminar will be taking place online 8-9 November!From anywhere in the world, join us for a series of informative and interactive Webinars via Zoom. This popular event is a unique opportunity for English-speakers to consult with experts...
Renesting in France Webinars 2020: Topics and Speakers

Renesting in France Webinars 2020: Topics and Speakers

This year, the annual Renesting in France seminar will be taking place online 12 & 13 October! In a series of short, interactive Webinars, this popular event is a unique opportunity for English-speakers to consult with experts on a wide range of topics...

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