The Languedoc Roussillon region offers you breathtaking landscapes, unparalleled cuisine and wine, world renowned culture, a mild climate, first-rate healthcare, and amazing travel opportunities.
The Medieval fortress of Carcassonne
The wild and coastal Camargue
The Cevennes Natural Park
Long stretches of sandy beaches
The famous Montpellier town center
Beautiful country side hiking trails
Sète, the Venice of France
Largest wine-production region
UNESCO listed Canal du Midi
The surprising Baux-de-Provence
The charming town of Arles
The Roman city of Nîmes
Highlights include:

  • Ancient Roman cities like Nîmes and Arles
  • Charming regional capital of Montpellier, with its famous Comédie
  • Unique town of Sète (the Venice of France)
  • Famous medieval fortress of Carcassonne
  • Cevennes national park
  • Mountain peaks of Pic St. Loup et Mont Aigoual
  • Wild, coastal Camargues with its white horses and bulls
  • UNESCO listed Canal du Midi
  • Biggest wine-producing region in France
  • Hiking trails (St. Jean de Compostelle)
  • Long stretches of sand beaches and ports for maritime activities
  • Over 300 days of sunshine per year
  • Cost of living much lower than in neighboring Provence or the Riviera
  • Cheap and easy to travel all around Europe from the local, int’l airports and train stations
  • Rich historical heritage with Cathare castles, Roman aqueducts and arenas, and medieval sites.

Sud de France has put together a beautiful video of the region – enjoy!

Here is where the Languedoc Roussilon region is located in France:

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