It has now been 12 months since we launched the Renestance online shop and a collection of ebooks covering all you need to know (in English) about Healthcare in France. Time for an update!

If you don’t yet know about Renestance ebooks, allow me to explain what they are:

  • Detailed reports providing information about different aspects of life in France
  • Resulting from countless hours of research we’ve done to answer our clients’ questions over the years
  • Taken directly from official French sources and complemented by verified information from specialized forums and websites in English
  • Chock-full of actionable information, insider tips, links, sources, tables and flowcharts
  • Written in plain English (as neutral as possible, but UK/US translations are provided when needed!)
  • Updated regularly as the information changes
  • More thorough compilations than anything available today

A lot changes in French administration within a year, but we at Renestance are constantly tracking the modifications and updating our information and procedures. This past year, the different Healthcare-related offices have put in place new measures as they incorporate the move to PUMa for Assurance Maladie/Carte Vitale. Little by little, confusion is being replaced by policy, although it’s all still far from transparent. For example, now that some French residents have received bills for CSM, the PUMa coverage premiums, we know more about how they calculate the amounts. It still isn’t clear however, who must pay these cotisations, as we’ve seen people without PUMa coverage receive the bills. Rest assured, we will continue to update you as information is confirmed.

We have updated the full Healthcare ebook collection – we explain everything from fees and insurance to all you need to know about a stay in a French hospital – from diagnosis right through to your after-care. These are the titles in the Healthcare series:

  • H1 – French Health System Information
    This robust report gives you a full overview of the French public health system, defines key terms and even goes into explanations of fees, payments, complementary insurance, emergency services, pharmacies, lab work, scans, and medical professions unique to France. It’s all in an easy-to-read format and understandable English, so you can come back to it often as a reference.
  • H2 – French Health Coverage for EU Citizens
    Coming from another EU country and keen to get French public health coverage or Assurance Maladie? This thorough ebook explains the different regimes available and which ones pertain to your situation. You walk through the steps for applying for a French Carte Vitale and for claiming your reimbursements. (In British English)
  • H3 – French Health Coverage for Non-EU Citizens
    Coming from outside the EU and want to get in on the famous French public health system or Assurance Maladie? This extensive ebook explains the different regimes available and which ones apply to your situation. You walk through the steps for applying for a French Carte Vitale and for claiming your reimbursements.
  • H4 – Hospitalization
    Have you just been told you need knee surgery and you have no idea what to expect? Worried about undergoing something so important in another language? This ebook zaps your fear of the unknown by laying out everything you need to know about a stay in a French hospital. From diagnosis to pre-op examinations and consultations, through to your stay and your after-care, this module covers it all in one place.
  • H5 – Private Insurance
    If you’re coming out in hives at the thought of having to decide whether to opt for public or private healthcare in France, before you book your dermatologist’s appointment, read our Private Healthcare in France report. Clear, concise information explaining the different types of private insurance available, so you can choose the best route for your family.
  • HG – Glossary of Medical Terms
    If you were ill, would you understand your French doctor’s diagnosis? Could you explain that you feel nauseous or out of breath? Get help communicating about medical issues from this 31 page glossary. It’s divided into categories (anatomy, medical procedures, symptoms, etc) and also full French-English and English-French lists for quick lookup.

To order and download an ebook, simply visit the Renestance Shop.

Existing customers

If you have already purchased an ebook the updated versions are completely free of charge – simply go to your Account section on our website to see the latest downloads you have available: If you happen to run into any issue downloading your purchased ebooks, you can contact Alexandre who will help you sort it out.

Don’t forget that we can assist you in getting a Carte Vitale, even though the ebooks do a great job of walking you through the process. If you’d like more personal assistance, please contact us.

If you have not yet purchased an ebook you can download a FREE glossary of French healthcare terms when you sign-up for our monthly newsletter.

Dennelle Taylor Nizoux

Dennelle is the President of Renestance and a bilingual American who’s lived in France since 2000. She loves so many things about France, its language, culture, geography, quality of life... that she started a business to help others realize their dreams of living in this incredible place.

All articles by: Dennelle Taylor Nizoux

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