Finding an apartment to rent long term or for vacations in France can be challenging and you might be wondering, what rules apply to you and your pet?Rental as your main residency: rules regarding pets According to French law, as a tenant (locataire), you are allowed...
Attention pet parents! Are you having trouble finding someone to take care of your pets in France? In celebration of our “Pet Month,” we are delighted to introduce our trusted “pawtner” when it comes to our furry friends: the e-concierge Tout...
Moving to another country (or even continent) is always a challenge, even as a seasoned expat : paperwork, house hunting, school research if you have kids… And what about your four-legged friend ?It’s easy to feel overwhelmed in front of the endless list...
The Renestance team are all animal lovers. Dennelle has 2 cats, Jen a cat and dog, Nicole 2 dogs and a cat and myself 2 hound dogs. We love our pets and consider them special members of our families – but not all animals in France have landed so fortunately on...