We always like to reflect on the past year as we move into a new one. Here’s a quick word on the year that just ended.

2018 in review

2018 may have been full of ups and downs for you, as it was for Renestance, but I’m sure you have plenty to be grateful for as well. Our team is most grateful for our lovely clients, who’ve helped us develop and improve our business over the past year. Your stories and courage inspire us, and your suggestions are extremely helpful!

Thanks to you, we’ve been able to progress and spread our wings whilst keeping our feet firmly on the ground! Not only are we finding better ways to make your life in France easier, we’re also striving to stay ahead of all the changes that may affect you here. It’s our job to keep you up to date with new French legislation, and in 2018 that list was quite long, including…

One of the ways we aimed to make your life easier in 2018 was by offering for the first time a full-day “Renesting in France” seminar in Montpellier. This event provides English speakers with loads of practical information and the chance to talk to our expert partners, as well as other expats. We also included some full-day Real Estate & Real Life tours to visit some of the most popular cities of the region with a focus on real estate. The seminar and tours were a tremendous success and helped several people progress their dreams of living in France.

So many of you have asked us to offer another seminar that we just had to plan one for 2019! The next one takes place in Montpellier Saturday 6 April 2019 so be sure to register early if you’d like to secure a place!

Following the seminar our Real Estate & Real Life Tours will include:

Tuesday 9 April – Montpellier & Sète
Thursday 11 April – Béziers, Pézenas and Marseillan
Saturday 13 April – Uzès & Sommières

For more details please contact me or you can book directly via Eventbrite here. Please note there is a 50€ discount for registrations made prior to 19 January!

You’ll find more details, travel and accommodation advance and a sample itinerary in our online brochure below:

New faces new places

After an extremely busy summer our multilingual team has recently expanded to include Laurence, Isabelle and Thalia.

Laurence is a French PR specialist, who lived several years in England and will be attending The France Show with us 25-27 January in London. Come and see us on Stand 247 and pick-up an exclusive copy this special edition of Le Sun magazine!

Isabelle Martinez is French but also fluent in English and can assist with your Micro Entrepreneur registration and any (unofficial) translations. Thalia Jacobs is Belgian and helping English speakers with prefecture appointments and property hunts in the Narbonne and Carcassonne areas.

The New Year is a time when many people make resolutions and bold decisions to make a change. That may mean a real estate project and/or a new life in France!

If either of those are your hopes for 2019, Renestance is here to help you succeed in reaching your goals. Learn from our experience and enjoy the exceptional quality of life in France, without all the hassle.

Dennelle Taylor Nizoux

Dennelle is the President of Renestance and a bilingual American who’s lived in France since 2000. She loves so many things about France, its language, culture, geography, quality of life... that she started a business to help others realize their dreams of living in this incredible place.

All articles by: Dennelle Taylor Nizoux

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