If you’re planning to work in a French-speaking environment, it’s important to have a good understanding of the vocabulary commonly used in the workplace. Not only will this help you communicate effectively with your colleagues or clients, but it will also help you understand the tasks and responsibilities of your job. In this blog post, we’ll cover some essential workplace vocabulary in French.

Vocabulary for meetings

Meetings are an important part of most workplaces, and knowing the relevant vocabulary is crucial for effective communication. Here are some common French phrases you might hear in a meeting, along with their English translations:

  • L’ordre du jour – Agenda
  • La prise de parole – Speaking turn
  • Prendre des notes – Take notes
  • La réunion de travail – Work meeting
  • La salle de réunion – Meeting room
  • Remettre à plus tard – Postpone
  • Le résumé – Summary
  • Suivant – Next

Vocabulary for emails

Emails are another important form of workplace communication, and there are a few key French phrases you should know when composing or responding to emails. Here are some common examples:

  • Pièce jointe – Attachment
  • La/le destinataire – The recipient
  • L’ objet – Subject
  • Le corps du message – The body of the message
  • Merci de votre réponse – Thank you for your response
  • Cordialement – Sincerely
  • En copie conforme – CC (Carbon copy)
  • En copie cachée – BCC (Blind carbon copy)

A few common job titles and descriptions

Understanding job titles and descriptions is crucial for navigating the workplace hierarchy and understanding your own responsibilities. Here are some common French job titles and descriptions, along with English translations:

  • Le directeur/directrice – Director
  • Le/la chef de projet – Project Manager
  • L’ assistant/assistante – Assistant
  • L’alternante/alternante – Apprentice
  • Le/la stagiaire – Intern
  • L’ ingénieur/ingénieure – Engineer
  • Le/la responsable des ventes – Sales Manager
  • Le/lacomptable – Accountant
  • Le/la commercial.e – Agent/sales agent

Vocabulary for workplace etiquette

In addition to understanding workplace vocabulary, it’s important to be familiar with the etiquette and customs of the French-speaking workplace. Here are some key phrases and concepts to keep in mind:

  • When greeting superiors use “Bonjour monsieur/ madame”  but for colleagues you can use “Salut!” – Hi!
  • When speaking to superiors use “Aurevoir, a demain”, but for colleagues you can use “À plus!” – see you later! (used when leaving for the day)
  • La bise – Cheek kiss (a common form of greeting in France)
  • Respecter les horaires – Respect schedules (arrive on time and don’t leave early without permission)
  • La tenue vestimentaire professionnelle – Professional dress code (dress appropriately for your workplace)
  • La pause – the break, and French people’s favorite, la pause déjeuner – the lunch break.

French workplace administration vocabulary

  • Le congé – Leave
  • Les heures supplémentaires – Overtime
  • Le contrat de travail – Employment contract
  • La fiche de paie – Payslip
  • La période d’essai – Trial period
  • La démission – Resigning/quitting
  • Le licenciement – Termination
  • Le congé de maternité – Maternity leave
  • Le congé de paternité – Paternity leave
  • Le congé maladie – Sick leave
  • Le congé payé – Paid leave

Having a good understanding of workplace vocabulary in French is essential for effective communication and success in the workplace. By familiarizing yourself with the phrases and terms discussed in this blog post, you’ll be better equipped to understand and participate in meetings, compose and respond to emails, and navigate the workplace hierarchy. Bonne chance dans votre recherche de travail! (Good luck with your work search!)

Need help?

If you have questions or concerns, why not give us a call and set up a time to talk it through.

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