One thing that has changed dramatically since my arrival in France is the advancement of online networking. Whilst the local mairie and the boulangerie are still an essential source of all local news and other fascinating information (ie. ‘gossip’!), online groups and forums have become an essential resource for almost every English speaker in France.

This is a list of links for some of the most popular anglophone groups for this region – I hope you find it useful. If you know another group or forum that should be added, please do not hesitate to add it in the comments …!


THINK South of France – This group was recently started by our very own Dennelle as a place to share helpful and interesting information about life here in the south. Whether you’ve lived here a while or are thinking of moving, it’s great place to feel amongst friends.

Languedoc.e.Greeters is a group run by the Hérault tourist board where people can post photos and recommendations for places they’ve visited – a sort of online travel guide written by visitors and residents.

Ladies in Languedoc – Started by Nicole, this group is for anglophone ladies in the Languedoc and with over 2000 members it’s been likened to a big, chatty, online coffee morning! As the region is so vast, there are sister “Ladies In … “ groups for Nîmes, Uzès, Carcassonne and Perpignan for more localised information and events. Spin-off activity groups include a LiL WALK group and another for LiL Runners.

Long Duck Ladies – Another one just for the ladies, this time for events and information in and around Montpellier.

Toulouse Area English Speaking Forum – really useful if you are living in the west of the region.

English-speakers in Languedoc-Roussillon & English-speakers in Midi-Pyrénées – two regional groups managed by Survive France

Events in the Aude and Ariège – is exactly that!

Occitanie Everything and Anything – a regional group including business ads, event listings and a skill swap.

English speaking group of the Aude, Ariège & Haute Garonne & English speaking group for Hérault, Gard & Pyrénées-Orientales are Facebook pages linked to a blog and email distribution service. Quite useful if you don’t use Facebook very much.

A Lot Going On In And Around The Lot

Gers English Speaking Community

Map of Occitanie by Oie blanche

The Languedoc Page – a group thatt hosts a range of discussions on just about every topic you can think of (including politics!)

P-O Life – a group for anyone interested in news or events in the Pyrénées-Orientales.


Offline groups & meet-ups

Internations – a global site to connect with other expats in your city, meet international people or get tips and information about your destination.

American Women’s Group of Languedoc-Roussillon – an international group of women with an American majority seeking friendship, good company, stimulating group activities/events and occasionally raising funds for charity.

Women’s International Club – a community for friendship, mutual support and cultural exchange through monthly meetings, group activities and events for members and their partners.

VEEM (Vivre Ensemble en Minervois) – an association for people in the more rural Minervois region offering activities to involve people from all of the surrounding villages.

Languedoc Jelly – a group created in 2011 by ‘yours truly’ that organises free events for homeworkers to meet, share ideas and work together.

BritsNimes – a non-profit making association for people in and around Nîmes interested in the English language. Membership is open to individuals or families.

AFAL conversation group – people join AFAL to improve their French or English language via weekly evening meetings in Narbonne.

English in Carcassonne – regular language exchange meet-ups in the city centre almost always involving coffee and cake! – a global site where you’ll find a wide variety of special interest groups based in and around cities, and many for this region are ideal for English speakers.

If you don’t like to eat alone then Colunching might be for you – usually available in larger towns and cities; join a meal with strangers or organise your own – it’s a great way to discover new restaurants and meet new people in your area.

Last but by no means least, here at Renestance we will be organising tours and events to help you discover more about the area and meet other English-speakers. If you would like to know more about our ‘social-side’, please contact us so that we can keep in touch!



Annette Morris

Annette is Renestance’s 'go to' girl for all things marketing and social media. Bilingual and originally from Surrey in the UK, Annette has lived in France since 2008. In addition to her web design and marketing consultancy, Annette is the founder of Languedoc Jelly (a network of free events across the region for anyone working from home) and also Urban Sketchers Languedoc (part of a global community of people that like to draw or paint on location). A fan of all things French and Franglaise, she also has a Citroen 2CV called Beryl.

All articles by: Annette Morris

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