Time is ticking! If you’re British, you may be thinking it’s already too late and your dream to live in France is lost. It’s not – there is still time! Not much of course, as you need to establish an address in France before 31 December, 2020. And the perfect storm of COVID-19 plus Brexit has made it extremely difficult to get to France and do a property search. That’s why we at Renestance have reached out to our local community of internationals to compile a list of places ready to receive you and provide you with an official French address.

We have found rentals for many happy clients throughout the years. While we do recommend renting before buying, finding a home to rent can be a big challenge in France, even for the French! There’s not much available in tight housing markets, there’s a huge pile of paperwork required for a rental application, and the housing laws in France are quite strict and complex. Foreigners arriving without a French work contract are often refused by rental agencies.

Since Renestance has taken so many people through this process, we can explain the process and rules to you, help you get a robust application ready, find a rental that matches your criteria (even doing a remote visit of your top picks for you when necessary), and advocate on your behalf with the agencies and landlords. This is what our standard Rental Search process looks like:

  1. The first step is to gather your specific criteria.
  2. Then we contact our partners and scan the market for properties that fit your criteria and would be available when you want it.
  3. We send you links and information for several options for you to come up with a short list.
  4. We visit the property either with you or on your behalf (taking loads of photos and videos).
  5. We explain how renting works in France, as there are several differences from your home country.
  6. We provide all the liaison work and any translation needed with French agents, landlords and listings.
  7. Once you have picked your dream home, we accompany you through the signing of the lease, getting renters insurance, posting the security deposit, and performing the initial walk-through/inventory.
  8. Besides this service, we provide five hours of ‘renesting help’ that can be used toward: transferring the utilities into your name, setting up internet/TV/phone lines, setting up a French bank account, exchanging your driving license, getting linked up to social groups, or even a personal orientation of your new village/neighborhood.

If you would like Renestance to find you a rental in France, the fee is €1500 with additional adults €750 each, children €375, and pets €225. You can pay in three instalments: 1/3 deposit, 1/3 after the first visit, and 1/3 upon lease signing, which unlocks the five hours of admin assistance.

If you sign a lease for one of the places in our list, you get a 50% discount on the Rental Search service!

Please contact us if you have any questions or want us to find you a rental in France ASAP.

And if you’re still thinking that Brexit has made it impossible for you to move to France, we addressed many common concerns in a previous blog.

Come on in, the water is nice!

Dennelle Taylor Nizoux

Dennelle is the President of Renestance and a bilingual American who’s lived in France since 2000. She loves so many things about France, its language, culture, geography, quality of life... that she started a business to help others realize their dreams of living in this incredible place.

All articles by: Dennelle Taylor Nizoux

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