Today Renestance celebrates its 4th birthday. As with most startups, we’ve had to adapt our market strategy to double in size each year. It’s funny to think that our first plan was to run an English-speaking retirement home in the South of France! Our team is still based in the Occitanie region, but we can help you live out your French lifestyle dream anywhere in the country.

Since we launched in May 2015, the global political landscape has changed drastically. A referendum vote decided the UK would leave the EU, and both the US and France elected new presidents with ambitious agendas. But through it all, every year more of you are spreading your wings and taking the leap. We’re here to help you wherever you are in the renesting process.

Some key notes from the past Renestance year :


The Renestance team includes only people who have been in your shoes and care about your dream. This past year we’ve been blessed with new talent to help more of you. Isabelle, a French lady who’s lived many years in England, assists with Micro-Entreprise setups and residency. Thalia, a Belgian who lived a long time in Florida, provides renesting services in the Aude. Jen continues to help clients in the Gard department, while Nicole reigns over the southern Hérault area.

Find out more about our team here

New beginnings

Our ‘VIP New Nest’ service has helped several people start a new life in France. Not only does it provide your first landing spot but also a full year of accompaniment. With our real estate license, we’re also assisting more and more people to buy their own little corner of France. Unlike classic real estate agents, we work for you, the buyer, and guide you through every step of the process. From finding the perfect property to buying a new doorbell, we’re here to make sure you get a good start.

Regional discovery

Sometimes, all you know is that you want to live in the South of France, but you’re not really sure where. We’ve revamped our Regional Reconnaissance package to help you find the right renesting spot. The Real Estate & Real Life tours, offered around the Renesting in France seminar, were a big hit again this year. Our mission is to give you the inside scoop on areas that match your criteria, so you don’t waste precious time on the ground.


We’ve updated our ebooks on Healthcare in France with all the changes to PUMa, the national health coverage. These popular guides are written in plain English, tell you everything you need to know and are available in our online shop. We also added more English-speaking insurance partners with policies tailored to expats.


The political saga known as Brexit is ongoing and impacting many of you. The goal posts are still moving, but we are following closely to assist the best we can once the outcome is final. We’ll be here to help when you apply for residency (or citizenship), exchange your driving licence, get French licence plates, etc.


This was the first year we took a booth at The France Show in London. It was wonderful to see so many courageous Britons looking to follow their French dream, despite the B-word! We were able connect with many of our partners in currency, insurance, notarial services, real estate, movers/removals, media, and tourism. We also met some interesting new ones to add to the Renestance network.


There is more to life in France than paperwork! Finding people to connect with makes renesting much more enjoyable. This past year, Renestance published a special edition of The Sun magazine to keep that community alive. We also support many local associations, such as Cancer Support France. And we look after a Facebook group where members share general comments, requests for information and social events.

Join THINK South of France here!

Renesting in France Seminar, Montpellier

Our second annual seminar took place in April and we are already making plans for the next one on 18 April 2020. This is the only event of its kind in France. You get key renesting information straight from the experts and can even book one-to-one time to discuss your particular case. Topics range from residency and property to healthcare, taxes and learning French.

To receive further details don’t forget to sign-up for our newsletter

Planning ahead

May and June are always very busy times for the Renestance team, as it’s a great time to visit France. If you’re planning a reconnaissance or house-hunting trip and would like our assistance, please do give us plenty of notice.

You can contact us via the contact page

Dennelle Taylor Nizoux

Dennelle is the President of Renestance and a bilingual American who’s lived in France since 2000. She loves so many things about France, its language, culture, geography, quality of life... that she started a business to help others realize their dreams of living in this incredible place.

All articles by: Dennelle Taylor Nizoux

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