For this month’s theme, we teach you words and expressions related to French culture so you can expand your vocabulary and learn about festivals and expositions (exhibitions) you could attend in the South of France. Make sure to save this blog post for later!

What are festivals like?

Festivals happen all year round depending on the cities that organize them. Most of the time they are festivals de musique (music festivals) but you can also find expositions that can be permanentes (permanent) or temporaires (temporary). These events are a great way to enjoy and discover different artists as there is a great variety during summer festivals. This kind of event is usually free or reasonably priced, making them accessible to all… and also very crowded. You can also find festivals du film (movie festivals) with the same concept. If you want to know more about movie festivals, you can click here to discover the national agenda.

What festivals can you find in the Languedoc area?

In our region, there are many festivals related to culture. They can be focused on dance, sailing, kite-surfing, music, food and outdoor events related to the culture camarguaise (Camargue culture). In spring, Sète had the chance to host the biggest gathering of old sailing ships on the Mediterranean coast!

What festivals will be happening this summer?

In July, you can go to the Festival de Carcassonne if you are a fan of rock music, French pop or metal and want to visit a medieval city. If you want to enjoy top French international artists, then Pause Guitare in Albi and Les Déferlantes Sud de France in Argelès-sur-Mer are for you. Discovering the Occitan cultures can be done by attending the Estuvada festival.

What is it like to attend a festival?

To attend a festival, first you need to do a repérage (identify) of one that would interest you. To do this we recommend you to have a look at the office de tourisme (tourism office) website or ask in-person. For the Occitanie region you can follow this link. Then it’s time to get your ticket, usually you can get it online or at a guichet de vente (ticket counter).

Then get ready to attend the awaited événement (event) of your choice. To get in, prepare your ticket/billet (ticket) and wait in the file d’attente (the line/queue). You’ll have to get through les agents de sécurité (security agents), who will check your bag, before validating your ticket at the guichet to access the festival’s grounds.

Make sure to have le programme (program) with you so that you won’t miss any artist. It’s also important for you to identify la buvette (refreshment bar) so that you’ll never be out of boissons (refreshments). If you want to try spotting your favorite artist, cross your fingers and check out l’entrée des artistes (stage door).

Now let la saison des festivals d’été (summer festival season) begin and enjoy!

Staff Writer

All articles by: Staff Writer

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