Starting January 2018, INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies), will begin a national census throughout France.

Will I be included?

Possibly. Approximately 9 million of the population receive a census request each year. To find out if your commune is included, visit the website or check with your local mairie.

How does it work?

You may receive a leaflet to your home, or there will be a notice from the mairie in the town’s monthly bulletin. Some towns will post the announcement on the village notice boards. Interviewers ‘agents recenseurs’ will then visit your home with a questionnaire sometime in the next couple of weeks.

Do I have to respond?

Yes, it is obligatory to reply, whatever your status. If language is a problem an information leaflet will be available in English and the agent can help you fill out your questionnaire if needed. If you prefer, you can complete the form online, so ask for a special code to do so.

What kind of information will I have to provide?

Questions will be related to characteristics of your home, age, place of birth, nationality, occupation, educational level and place of residence 5 years ago . Each person living at your address will receive a separate questionnaire.

How do I know that the interviewer is official?

In addition to carrying the official forms, ‘agents recenseurs’ will have an official ‘tricolore’ ID badge with photo signed by the mayor of your commune. If you feel uncomfortable or unsure about the person knocking at your door, contact your mairie or gendarmerie.


Jennifer Rowell-Gastard

Jennifer was Renestance's Activity & Excursions Coordinator between 2015 and 2020, a bilingual American from Vermont who's been loving her life in France since 1998. She was passionate about sharing her knowledge and allowing you to discover all of the scenic, cultural and culinary wealth of the Languedoc-Roussillon region.

All articles by: Jennifer Rowell-Gastard

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