This month, the theme for Renestance blogs is the French language. In today’s blog article we will be looking at household vocabulary in French. Perfect for everyday tasks and for you to be able to talk about your French dream home!

Let’s start with vocabulary to describe the different places in a home:

  • L’entrée (f) : Hall, entryway
  • Le Rez-de-chaussée : Ground floor (UK), first floor (US)
  • Le salon, le séjour, la pièce à vivre : Living room
  • La cuisine : Kitchen
  • La salle à manger : Dining room
  • La salle de bains : Bathroom
  • Les toilettes ou WC : Toilet (UK), Bathroom (US)
  • La chambre : Bedroom
  • La chambre d’amis : Guest room
  • Le cellier, garde-manger : Pantry, Storeroom, Larder (UK)
  • Le sous-sol : Basement
  • La cave : Cellar
  • Le grenier, la mansarde : Attic
  • Le toit : Roof
  • L’escalier (m) : Stairs
  • L’étage (m) : Floor
  • Le garage : Garage
  • Le jardin : Garden, Backyard (US)
  • Le balcon : Balcony
  • La terrasse : Terrace
  • Le couloir : Corridor, hallway

Next, let’s have a look at some vocabulary for the furniture and objects in each room.

In the living room

  • Un fauteuil : An armchair
  • Un canapé : A sofa, Couch (US)
  • La cheminée : Fireplace
  • La télévision : Television
  • Le meuble télé : TV stand
  • Un tapis : Rug
  • La moquette : Carpet
  • La table basse : Coffee table

In the kitchen

  • Une table : Table
  • Un plan de travail : Work surface, Countertop (US) 
  • Un évier : Sink
  • Une chaise : Chair
  • Un tabouret : Stool
  • Le lave-vaisselle : Dishwasher
  • Le réfrigérateur, le frigo : Fridge/Refrigerator
  • Le congélateur : Freezer
  • Le four : Oven
  • Un four à micro-ondes : Microwave
  • La cuisinière, gazinière : Hob (UK), Stove (US)
  • La bouilloire : Kettle
  • Le grille-pain : Toaster
  • Une spatule : Spatula
  • Un fouet : Whisk
  • Une louche : Ladle
  • Une planche à découper : Chopping board
  • Une casserole : Saucepan
  • Une poêle (à frire) : Frying-pan, Skillet (US)
  • Une cuillère : Spoon
  • Une cuillère à café : Teaspoon
  • Une fourchette : Fork
  • Un couteau : Knife
  • Une assiette : Plate
  • Un verre : Glass
  • Un verre à vin : Wineglass

In the bedroom

  • Un lit : Bed
  • Un lit double, un grand lit : Double bed
  • Un lit simple : Single bed
  • Un lit superposé : Bunk bed
  • Un drap : Sheet
  • Une couette : Quilt, duvet (UK)
  • Un oreiller : Pillow
  • Une taie d’oreiller : Pillow case
  • Un bureau : Desk
  • Une table de nuit : Bedside table, Night table (US)
  • Une armoire : Wardrobe
  • Une commode : Chest of drawers
  • Un placard, une penderie : Closet
  • Un berceau, un lit bébé : Cradle, Cot (UK), Crib (US)


In the bathroom

  • Une douche : Shower
  • Une baignoire : Bathtub
  • Un lavabo : Washbasin, Sink
  • Un robinet : Tap (UK), Faucet (US)
  • Une serviette : Towel
  • Du savon : Soap
  • Un miroir : Mirror
  • Du dentifrice : Toothpaste
  • Une brosse à dents : Toothbrush
  • Du shampooing : Shampoo


The garden

And finally, let’s see some vocabulary to describe the garden.

  • La pelouse : Lawn
  • Une piscine : Swimming pool
  • Une terrasse : Terrace, Decking
  • Les meubles de jardin : Garden furniture
  • Un transat : Sun lounger, Deckchair 


We hope that you found this article useful for enriching your French vocabulary. Come back soon and check out our next articles: How and where to learn French in France, and ‘faux-amis’ (false friends) to avoid when learning French!

Liz Lefranc

Born and raised in the UK, I’ve always had a passion for languages and for travelling. And ever since coming to France on family holidays as a child, I dreamed of living in France. So i chose to study languages (French, German then Spanish), and during my degree, I came to nîmes for a year and fell in love with the region. What is there not to love?! The beautiful roman monuments, the warm sunny weather, the beautiful beaches in nearby camargue and laid-back café culture, not to mention of course the fantastic food and wine, to name but a few things. After graduating in 2000, I moved straight back to nîmes and have been living here ever since! I married a French man and we have two perfectly bilingual children. During this time I have had lots of experience navigating French administration and its challenges! Among other things, obtaining my carte de séjour, carte vitale and changing my driving licence for a French one. I have also had personal experience of the French property market as I’ve bought, sold and renovated houses, and I currently rent flats out on short-term and long-term lets. I have experienced the French education system both as a parent and as a teacher. I’ve been teaching English to adults, students and children for over seven years. Previously, I also worked as a bilingual PA and bilingual project manager, as well as in translation and proofreading, purchasing and import, honing many skills along the way. I am delighted to share all my experience and knowledge of life in France and help out other English speakers arriving in France to live out the French dream!

All articles by: Liz Lefranc

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