The sun is out, the poppies are blooming, and the countryside is green with budding grape vines. It’s springtime in the Languedoc and the Renestance team is buzzing along with a growing client base, new services, and the launch of our monthly newsletter. Each month we’ll be bringing you an assortment of team updates, regional news, and tips and tricks for moving to and living in France. To kick us off, please read on for a run-down of our main milestones and projects so far in 2016.

Careful not to “barge” in

Nicole, our Administration Coordinator, reports that spring is an ideal time to be out and about in the Languedoc checking out properties. “I love driving our clients around from village to village and watching as people superimpose their lives on each house they visit.” Interestingly enough, she has also had several new clients who live on barges down here along the beautiful Canal du Midi. An enviable lifestyle, but one that proves challenging for proving French residency. Fortunately, Nicole is admin extraordinaire and always up for the task. At Renestance, we are constantly learning new ways to manage French bureaucracy and Nicole has been drafting and updating our detailed Information Reports. Who knew the procedures and laws could change so much?

Establishing French residency on a houseboat! (Image by mairiedeRamonville from Pixabay)

Dream of getting married in France?

Jen, who handles the tourism side of things at Renestance, continues to develop and customize our Regional Reconnaissance Packages for individuals who want to check out the area before making the big move. Most recently she has been helping out a British couple planning to move to France this fall. They’ll be getting married in Nîmes and Jen has found them their dream home, helped prepare their dossier to submit to the Mairie, and coordinated with their wedding planner. She’s also been busy preparing our summer calendar which is looking chockfull of group excursions, seasonal festivals, and notable events. I’ve decided that Jen is planning my vacations from now on…she finds the coolest stuff!

Is your dream to get married in France?

Stories of expat bloggers in the Languedoc

Tasha, our blog editor, has been busy networking with the multiple English-language bloggers in the region in order to bring new content to our website. We know how useful it is to hear directly from others who have successfully made the move and to follow their journeys. We’ll be featuring some new regular columns in our blog, so make sure to subscribe to all future articles.

Launching a business in the Languedoc

As for me, I’ve been immersed in the day-to-day reality of launching a new business. To build our capacity to assist clients in finding their French dream home, I’m pursuing a Bachelors in “Immobilier” to get my French real estate license later this year. As the license will also certify us to offer tourism services, Renestance will soon be the only relocation service in France that is also a certified estate agent, travel agent, and administration expert.

Check out our new brochure!

Behind the scenes I’ve been updating our client and accounting systems, revamping our company brochures and flyers, and planning our website renovations. Our newest addition to the team, Sara, has been helping us keep all of these projects moving forward. The market launch is planned for this summer, so watch this space for announcements, promotions and goodies!

Please let us know what you’d like to see in future monthly newsletters, and don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in the blog comments or on Facebook and Twitter – we love hearing from you!

Best regards,

Dennelle Taylor Nizoux

Dennelle is the President of Renestance and a bilingual American who’s lived in France since 2000. She loves so many things about France, its language, culture, geography, quality of life... that she started a business to help others realize their dreams of living in this incredible place.

All articles by: Dennelle Taylor Nizoux

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