Last Sunday we participated in the annual Walk for Life to benefit Cancer Support France. It was a gorgeous day to wander the grounds of the Domaine de la Clapière and to champion a cause close to our hearts as well as an organization that provides essential support and service to the English-speaking community in France.
CSF – Always Efficient and Effective

Volunteers setting up for lunch after the Walk for Life
My little family were among more than 200 supporters who showed up on Sunday, 18 September to walk either 5 km or 10 km around the vines of Domaine de la Clapière in Montagnac. It was a sunny morning with a light breeze, perfect weather for walking. Even before arriving at the Domaine, we could see that the event was as well organized as all Cancer Support France endeavors – easy website giving instructions and allowing downloads, clear signs everywhere, friendly and efficient volunteers handling registration and contributions, and the former president of CSF Languedoc, Cat Hartley, directing helpfully with her microphone. You may recall that Renestance sponsored the CSF Canal du Midi Cycle Ride in 2015, which was a much bigger operation (over 4 days) but equally well-run.
Community gathering before the 5 km walk
Walk for Those Touched by Cancer
We wanted to participate not only because a Sunday walk is one of our favorite outdoor family activities, but also because we care a lot about the cause. Like many of you, our family has been shaken by cancer, and this month marks 15 years that my father was lost to the disease. Alexandre’s grandfathers also died from cancer, and we each have family members who have survived it, too. But even those who have “beaten” cancer can never truly rest easy, sadly, because the battle can always recommence without warning. This is why the assistance that CSF provides, to patients and their loved ones, is so important. Many of the participants were walking for someone currently combating the disease or in memory of someone who’d lost the battle. Through donations and sponsorships, over 8000 euros were raised to support the work of CSF regionally and nationally.
Walking in memory of my father
Enthusiastic walkers on two and four legs
The kids didn’t seem keen on the 10 km walk, so we headed off at 10:30 for the 5 km loop. It was fun to hear English spoken with so many different accents, to enjoy the energy of the four-legged walkers, and to examine the grapes along the path. The pace was leisurely and there was a rest stop with water and fruit provided. Even though it went by quickly, we were all happy to return to the Domaine’s courtyard for lunch.
The last of the harvest
Food, Wine and Community – The Best of Life in France
Back at the Domaine, there was a traditional Fish & Chips food truck (for those who had booked again), burgers and chicken, and of course the Domaine de la Clapière’s excellent wines. The local English-speaking community was represented by several businesses, associations and groups who recognize and support the valuable work that CSF Languedoc does. I was happy to catch up with so many friends and to meet new ones, but especially to feel part of a caring community. This day had all the elements of my French dream life.
Renestance members there to support the cause
Dennelle is the President of Renestance and a bilingual American who’s lived in France since 2000. She loves so many things about France, its language, culture, geography, quality of life... that she started a business to help others realize their dreams of living in this incredible place.
All articles by: Dennelle Taylor Nizoux
Dennelle Taylor Nizoux
on 2016-09-26 at 11:45Thanks Teena! Couldn’t agree more – and it was great to see you looking so vibrant!