“School’s out!” The summer holidays have begun and the kids are on vacation. This weekend in France, voices across the nation will be singing ‘La Marseillaise’ and celebrating Bastille Day, a national holiday in France (‘la fête Nationale’) remembering a turning point of the French Revolution on 14 July 1789.

As immigrants, we celebrate this event with our new French friends, watch the impressive fireworks and enjoy the food and drink. It’s an annual reminder of some of the many things we love about France; the ‘joie de vivre’, the sense of community, the traditions and the deeply embedded history of a diverse and dynamic country we now call home.

Renestance is celebrating some of its own successes too. It seems hard to believe that we have just passed our 3 year anniversary!

If you follow our Facebook page you’ll notice that we often post a #FeelgoodFriday note at the end of the week. Day-in day-out our team are committed to helping English speakers feel at home in France, whether that’s going with you to the bank to open a new account, finding you an accountant, tracking down a family birth certificate or furnishing a new apartment in time for your arrival. Of course, the list of our services doesn’t end there, but you get the idea!

So what is Renestance celebrating?

Feeling special

The ‘thank you’ notes and emails we receive from clients every week make us all feel SO good! People we’ve never met in person describe our service as the ‘gold standard’ for relocation services when moving to France. Knowing that our positive reputation has spread so far is something very special. I’d like to say a warm thank you to everyone that has taken the time to write to us.

Being unique

You won’t find another relocation and support service that offers such a comprehensive package. We’re not just a bilingual admin service, we’re skilled in immigration to France from both inside and outside the EU. There’s a world of difference between taking a vacation in France and committing to living here. And we get that, because we’ve also been through the process ourselves and with our families. We know the obstacles and the shortcuts needed to get around the bureaucracy. And if there isn’t a shortcut, we’ll cut to the chase and let you know right from the start.

Licensed to deal

This is a real biggie. Renestance now holds the Carte Professionnelle. What’s that I hear you ask? Well it means that we can help you – legally – buy or rent a French property. There are very few Anglos who’ve completed a French degree in Real Estate to get the license. Not only can we explain the complex process and legal documents, we can act on your behalf, following your instructions, to save you time, stress and money. We are not the typical Real Estate agent (‘immobilier’) working on behalf of the seller. We work exclusively for you, the buyer. We’ve got your back.

So as we pop a few corks, we celebrate our 3rd anniversary and the 3 things above, and more. In the US I’d say we wanted to ‘toot our horn’ (although the Brits in our team say that I’m ‘blowing our trumpet’?!)

I’ll write more on the nuances of understanding other English speakers in France another day… 😉

For now I’d just like to wish you a really great weekend, and hope you’ll always give the Renestance horn a ‘toot’ if you think someone needs our help.

Dennelle Taylor Nizoux

Dennelle is the President of Renestance and a bilingual American who’s lived in France since 2000. She loves so many things about France, its language, culture, geography, quality of life... that she started a business to help others realize their dreams of living in this incredible place.

All articles by: Dennelle Taylor Nizoux

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