Time to look forward to the New Year and some useful dates for your 2022 calendars!

Below we have listed public holidays and some events in France, plus some other key events in the Languedoc area. You can download our free ‘year view’ calendar below!


  • Saturday 1: Public holiday – New Year’s Day
  • Monday 3: Back to school *
  • Thursday 6: Epiphanie (Galette des Roi)
  • Wednesday 12: Winter sales goes on until February 8
  • Sunday 23: Carnaval Limoux (ends on April 3)


  • Wednesday 2: Chandeleur (candlemas)
  • Sunday 20: Winter Holidays * (ends Sunday March 6)


  • Tuesday 1: Mardi Gras
  • Sunday 20: Montpellier Marathon
  • Sunday 27: Daylight saving time begins


  • Tuesday 12: Escale à Sete (ends on April 18)
  • Sunday 17: Easter Sunday
  • Monday 18: Easter Monday
  • Sunday 24: Spring Holidays* (ends on May 8)


don’t forget your income tax declarations will be due this month!

  • Sunday 1: Public Holiday – Labour Day
  • Sunday 8: Public Holiday- Victory Day
  • Thursday 26: Public Holiday- Ascension Day


  • Monday 6: Public Holiday – Whit Monday
  • Tuesday 21: Fête de la Musique
  • Wednesday 22: Summer sale (ends on July 19)


  • Friday 1: Tour de France begins (ends 24 July)
  • Tuesday 5: Festival de Carcassonne (ends on July 31)
  • Friday 8: Summer Holidays * (ends on August 31)
  • Thursday 14: Public holiday – Bastille Day


  • Thursday 11: Féria de Béziers (ends on August 15)
  • Monday 15: Public Holiday – Assumption Day


  • Thursday 1: La Rentrée, Back to school
  • Saturday 17: Journées européennes du patrimoine (ends on September 18)


  • Saturday 15: Deadline for Taxe Foncière payments (ends on October 21)
  • Sunday 23: La Toussaint School Holidays* (ends on November 6)


  • Tuesday 1: Public Holiday – All Saint’s Day
  • Friday 11: Public Holiday – Armistice Day


don’t forget your CFE tax declaration will be due this month!

  • Sunday 18: Christmas Holidays* (ends on January 2, 2023)
  • Sunday 25: Public Holiday – Christmas Day

As a partial or full-time resident in France, if you are unclear about your French tax obligations please contact us and we can put you in touch with an advisor for your particular circumstances.

* Dates shown are for schools in Montpellier area, Zone C (https://vacances-scolaires.education).

If you are hosting or would like to suggest any other community events to add to this list, please do add them in the comments below!

Click the image below to get your free copy of our Year View Planner!

Staff Writer

All articles by: Staff Writer

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