In this week’s post we meet Alexandre Nizoux. Alex is Renestance’s Chief Technology Officer and just happens to be married to our Founder and President, Dennelle.

What brings you to Renestance?

I think anyone who has an entrepreneurial spouse has been caught up in the excitement, creativity, and needs of a new business. In fact, most of us spouses probably have a hard time staying out of it! Renestance is Dennelle’s baby, but just as I was there for the delivery of her other two babies, I have watched this baby grow and change our lives. To be honest, I cannot ignore all the energy, passion and love I see my wife put in Renestance without getting excited and eager to do my part.

Renestance’s founders, Alexandre and Dennelle

What do you bring to Renestance?

The obvious answer to this question is probably my years of IT experience. I’ve worked as a network and systems engineer for several large companies over the last fifteen years. These technology skills I have acquired come in handy as I take on the role of Renestance’s CTO. I also like to think I bring some of my ideas into the mix, as well as to lend a friendly ear as Dennelle pitches her ideas!

Do you have family in the area ?

Outside of my wife and two children, my family is quite far away as I originate from the wonderful (but weatherly challenged) Normandy. We are lucky to have a house that can accommodate guests, so we do get to see a few family members here and there who come enjoy the sweetness of the South of France.

What is your favorite thing to do with a free day?

Be outside! With 300 or more days of sunshine a year, every free day is a good day to take a family bike ride along the coast, hike with friends in nature around Montpellier, take the kids downtown for some shopping and people watching, swim in the ocean, jump on the trampoline, play baseball at the park… and for the cold days, the occasional Couch-and-Playstation works too!

Where’s your favorite place in the region?

Tough question, since there are so many wonders to discover in the area. I think one of them is the Cirque of Mourèze, an atypical rock formation that was underwater about 160 millions years ago and has eroded ever since: it’s a great place where adults can stroll while kids play mountain goats (and while I climb to the highest rocks I can find!)

Cirque de Mourèze

Do you have any advice for anyone who is moving here or thinking about it?

Be adventurous! I tend to be a couch potato when I am not challenged by my wife, but she made me realize how interesting the region is: checking out new places, tasting regional food I have been avoiding my whole life (several of which have become instant favorites,) or making new friends by talking to a local vendor. These are the kind of wonderful things that can happen to you when you explore the Languedoc!

Alexandre Nizoux

Alexandre is a French IT professional and Renestance's CTO. He has always enjoyed speaking English, which helped him meet his wife and co-found Renestance.

All articles by: Alexandre Nizoux

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