Are you dreaming of a new life in France but concerned about:

  • Establishing residency before the Withdrawal Agreement deadline of 31/12/2020?
  • Finding housing in France with the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Understanding what healthcare and financial support you’ll be entitled to in France once Britain leaves the EU?

These are all valid concerns, but they should certainly not put you off your dream of moving to France! Renestance wants to help make your dream a reality, so we’ve put together the Renesting in France – Brexit Edition Webinar series on quick order, especially for you! This series provides you with key information so you can act whilst Britons’ rights are still covered via the Withdrawal Agreement.


List of topics covered during the webinars

  • Healthcare in France – Nicole Hammond, Renestance
  • Strategic Tax & Financial Planning – Thomas Marron, Blevins Franks
  • Obtaining French Residency – Barbara Clauss, Equanime Cabinet
  • Finding, Renting & Purchasing Property – Dennelle Taylor Nizoux, Renestance
  • French Tax Obligations – Sébastien Giordano, French Business Advice

The five webinars took place between 28 May and 18 June, but if you missed the live sessions, you can still access all the valuable information via the replays. You may purchase the full series for 99€ VAT included, or each webinar separately for 39€.




More information on the experts

Healthcare, Carte
Vitale & PUMa
Strategic Tax &
Financial Planning
French Residency &
Legal Advice
Nicole Hammond
Nicole Hammond


Thomas Marron


Barbara Clauss


Nicole is an expert in helping Anglophones navigate the French healthcare system. She is a bilingual Brit who has lived in France since 2002.

With a wealth of experience of life in France, she is the Administrative Assistance Expert at Renestance assisting English speakers with all matters relating to Carte Vitale and PUMa.

Thomas has provided advice nationally within the UK, and worked with private clients in Switzerland before relocating permanently to France.

He holds a Degree in Law from the University of Bristol as well as the Diploma in Financial Planning from the Chartered Insurance Institute. Thomas is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK.

Barbara CLAUSS has been a lawyer at the Paris bar since 2000. She specializes in Immigration Law, Citizenship and family law at Cabinet Equanime in Paris.

She is also a trainer at the Paris School of Lawyers.

Finding, Renting &
Purchasing Property
French Taxes &
Dennelle Taylor Nizoux Sebastien Giordano
Dennelle Taylor Nizoux


Sebastien Giordano


After studying in Aix-en-Provence in the 90s and moving to Paris with her work in 2000, Dennelle and her family moved to Montpellier in 2010. She has rented, purchased, renovated and rented out property in France. In addition, she holds a French Bachelors in Real Estate, so knows the laws, tax and inheritance implications of owning property.

She launched Renestance in 2015 to help other English-speakers dreaming  of the French lifestyle.

After four years working for a well-known international accounting and audit company, Sebastien decided to work for himself and incorporated AUGEFI/French Business Advice in 2006.

He has a wide experience in supporting English speaking clients in their steps to start and run a business in France.
English speaking companies and individuals are part of his client portfolio, which also includes businesses in the tourism sector, very prominent in the South.


Some feedback from the attendees of the live webinars

“We found the webinar series very useful on the whole. We may well be back in touch for administration assistance later this year.”

“I just want to thank you again for holding these webinars and I would be very interesting in participating in any future webinars.”

“I’ve found the webinars really useful.”

“It was well-structured and understandable.” (Joanna L.)

“This webinar has been useful and very informative and laid out in a way that is easy to understand. My first experience [with webinars], which was a pretty good one.”

“There was so much information I watched it several times on the link provided. The presentation was provided in a clear and relevant manner.” (Siobhan H.)

“Clearly expressed and easily understood, covered what we hoped it would. This webinar has been useful and very informative and laid out in a way that is easy to understand.”

“Really helpful advice, gave me lots to think about. Good format, covered the important aspects, great to get chance to watch again!” (Catherine H.)

“The presenter was very knowledgeable and good at explaining complex matters. This webinar worked really well and prefer it to a seminar because we can watch it again in our home and discuss points that are relevant to us.”

“The presenter had a clear voice and understandable delivery. Visuals were good.”

“Fully satisfied with this webinar.”

“We had almost given up hope of being able to move to France given the uncertainty surrounding deal/no deal and this has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 situation which seemed to nullify the window of opportunity promised by the Withdrawal Agreement. Your decision to offer these webinars at this time felt like a lifeline. And, the actuality has not disappointed.” (EMK)

We hope these webinars will provide the information you need to take the leap!




Dennelle Taylor Nizoux

Dennelle is the President of Renestance and a bilingual American who’s lived in France since 2000. She loves so many things about France, its language, culture, geography, quality of life... that she started a business to help others realize their dreams of living in this incredible place.

All articles by: Dennelle Taylor Nizoux

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