Have you decided the time is right to buy your own little corner of France​? That is merveilleux! But there are a few things you should know…
  • First off, there is no Multi-Listing Service in France, so the agents are working for the seller in 99% of the cases. If you want to visit a property sold professionally, you must go through the agent who has the sales mandate. If you aren’t interested in that property, they may try to sell you another one on their books, but they won’t typically look elsewhere for you.
  • While you might find English-speaking agents and notaires, all of the contracts, diagnostics and financing information are written in French.​
  • Structural surveys are not typically done prior to sale. There are many other diagnostics done to identify health and safety risks, but if you want to know about the quality of the construction, it will cost you (as the buyer) extra.

For these and many other reasons, it’s a good idea to hire a licensed house-hunter (chasseur immobilier), to guide you through the buying process. Since most agents work for the seller, there aren’t many licensed chasseurs – but Renestance is one!

When you hire Renestance as your licensed house-hunter, benefits include:

  • Your agent works for you, not the seller, and has your best interests at heart. They will take considerable time upfront to understand your personal situation, goals and criteria for your dream home.
  • You can feel confident in understanding the essential information, explained in English. This is key to sidestepping mistakes that could cost you time and money.
  • Your licensed agent is bilingual and trained in negotiation so has a better chance of reaching a lower buying price with the seller.
  • You save time, because you’ll know the process and timelines and will only visit properties with real ‘dream home’ potential.
  • Your time on the ground is optimized with a reconnaissance trip, if you haven’t yet decided on where to buy in France.
  • You benefit from Renestance support and coaching on the entire move/lifestyle change, not just advice on the property.

And the best part? Most of the time this informative, protective and highly-personalized service does not cost you, the buyer, one centime!

If the property is sold by an agency, both agents arrange to share the commission. If the property is sold directly by the owner, Renestance will request a commission, but it would never be more than 4% of the purchase price.

But wait, there’s more!…

When the sale is finalized, you get an added bonus of five hours of Renestance’s administrative assistance. This can be used to:

  • set up/switch utilities into your name,
  • obtain property insurance,
  • set up TV/Internet/Phone service in the new home,
  • advise on large purchases,
  • help organize small works or renovations,
  • etc.

You’ll enjoy exceptional customer service – pay nothing until finalizing the purchase, and the support continues after you get the keys.

If you are interested, please contact us.

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